Early Childhood Options will be closed on Monday, January 20th in observance of
Martin Luther King Day!
Developmental concerns include delays or abnormal patterns of development in the areas of communication/language, motor skills, problem-solving or social and adaptive behavior. These concerns are usually based on comparison to other children the same age. Summit County has chosen the ASQ-3 as the community wide screening tool to make sure that children who may have a delay in gross motor/fine motor, problem solving, or communication is identified and provided services. Helping children receive needed support services for delays happens through a partnership with Early Intervention and Summit School District.
Early Intervention
If your student is ages 0-3 and you have concerns about their development please contact Early Intervention Colorado at 1-888-777-4041 or visit their website at https://coloradoofficeofearlychildhood.secure.force.com/eicolorado/EI_Home?lang=en
Child Find at Summit School District- Preschool
The identification of an educational disability begins with an appointment with the Child Find team. Children may be referred to Child Find for a developmental screening by a teacher, parent, doctor, or other agency. Information gathered during the developmental screening process will help us to determine if further assessment is needed to determine eligibility for preschool special education. If eligible, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) will be developed with specific goals to address the child's specific needs. All special education services and related services are provided at no cost to the family.
For students ages 3-5 with developmental concerns, contact April Andrescavage at
April.adrescavage@summitk12.org to schedule a Developmental Screening appointment.